DTI supported the automation of administrative and clinical processes for the U.S. Army Medical Research and Material Command HIPAA-compliant AHLTA system. To protect the integrity of mobile network data transmission of trauma health care specialists, our team provides cybersecurity algorithms.
Our innovative staff of professionals created a human performance interface through BIO-IT to enable the detection and prevention of various diseases, illnesses, injuries, and threats. DTI provides the “IT” within BIO-IT to support federal contracts within NIH, DoD, NASA, American Public Health Association (APHA), and USAID.
We support health sciences informatics and computational services used by U.S. Army medics to retrieve and transmit health informatics from/to AHLTA which is the DoD EMR system. Created online and web accessible workflow authoring systems to capture how clinical procedures are performed from surgery to EMT. Supported bio-surveillance and disease management, healthcare systems studies by conducting research on “Enviromatics,” a health informatics method for identifying toxins in population health.
DTI complement pediatric neurosurgeons, EMT/Paramedics, and DOD medics with IT impact analysis and supporting hardware/software to advance trauma care training for combat medics and medical first responders.
Our teams assisted in the design of a bioinformatics product that extracts DNA from hair shafts using a lab on a chip that stores bioinformatics within a database. Development of cybersecurity algorithms, to protect the integrity of mobile network data transmission of trauma health care specialists, was also a proud moment for the dedicated, hard-working staff at DTI.